Thursday, January 12, 2012

A Brief Pictoral History of Grandpa Garold's Santas

The increased artistry and sophistication of the "Santa" collection by carver Garold Davis and painter Norma Davis is evident in these photographs.
The first year's attempt, though very charming, was primitive in both the carving and painting techniques.

More carving detail in the features, the indication of individual hairs in the beard and tufts of fur in the trim, as well as costume details and subtle shading in the painting indicate a greater knowledge of the craft and significant increase in skill.
This Santa is quite detailed with gifts in the bag Santa carries on his back, bushy eyebrows, and experimentation in mixed media with the addition of a leather strap threaded through the pack and held in Santa's mittens.

Ten years later, notice the detail in the curly beard, the expression in the eyes, the intricate painting and the shiny varnish finish.

The Santa-creating team of Davis and Davis keeps coming up with a better Santa each year. If you own one of these remarkable Santas consider yourself lucky. If you don't have one, get one soon. I expect they will continue to increase in value as the quality of workmanship and demand for their Santas increase.

1 comment:

  1. How nice to see that we are improving. Thanks Doni. Any one in the family, let us know if you don't happen to have one. Put in your orders and if you have a photo of a favorite we might duplicate, let us know.
    Love to all,
