Thursday, January 12, 2012

Hello admirers of the Grandpa Garold Herald! Since I am Grandpa Garold I thought maybe I should contribute something. As you can see from the pictures I am still doing some woodcarving. The little painted figure above is one that my friend Gary Browning and his wife Joan (pron. Joanne) got in Russia. Gary is (was until retirement) a Russian Professor. He is now a Patriarch in Russia (not in the Russian Orthodox Church, but in the LDS Church). I liked this little figure and asked them if I could borrow it. (You can learn a lot about carving by copying someone else's work.) Anyway, my copy is on the left and now it is on Grandma Norma's desk waiting for her to do the painting.


  1. Nice work! Yours looks friendlier than the original. Is that intentional or do you uncover personalities that are already hidden in the block of wood?

  2. The Santa carvings get better every year.

  3. Our three Santas get not only more sophisticated, but also more expressive and jollier. We love them all though!

  4. We are go excited to be able to come to Colorado Springs for Annika's graduation! We can hardly wait. What great and wonderful grandchildren we have.
    We love you all, Granama N.
