Doni asked for a picture of Grandpa Bill Davis' "green trailer." I found this one, above left, taken the year Doni and Mike got married. They shortened their honeymoon in So. Utah to come join us at Yellowstone River (Utah). After that, Mike was a regular enthusiast of our camping trips and will be forever missed. Going back further in time, the photo above is one of the family trips to Wildhorse in Idaho. It is hard to see, but we are all gathered around the old one-wheeled trailer Grandpa Bill made into a "kitchen." Going back even further, is the picture to the left, of our family at White River, Colorado showing tent and "kitchen." Finally, at the very top is a photo of Grandma Garold and Grandma's first trailer.
Back even further: my first experience on a Davis camping trip was about 1952 or 53 up around Lake of the Woods, Oregon. Grandpa Bill and Grandma Jo didn't have a trailer--not even the one-wheeled one (which I inherited from my dad). They didn't even have a tent. To sleep, Grandpa Bill rolled out a huge tarp, pillows were lined in a row along one edge. Blankets were piled in and the tarp was folded over to cover the blankets. Then we all crawled under this in a row and slept (?) with our nose outside to be a victim to the mosquitos. I stared at that and opted for an outside edge. I must have REALLY been in love with Garold to endure that! My family only went camping once in my entire life and we rented tents up at Big Bear Lake, California. So there you are.
Doni also asked about the people in the photo of the Bannock Chief. Grandpa Bill Davis attached the following to the back of the photo: "On Picture; L-R. Belle Woodall, Henry C. Gorton, Gladys DEWitt, sitting on Ground Pricilla Gorton and Dog under wagon, "NEB" Deam's Prize Bird Dog." These are all Grandpa Bill's relatives. On the front he has attached: "Bannock Chief" by Deam Woodall and Henry Gorton. Built for hunting and fishing.
So the Davises have really gone to high-class camping over the years.
We are really happy to have so many responding about our August camping trip. Lots of birthdays to celebrate. By the way, this year Grandpa celebrates his 80th birthday in October. Maybe we could add him to Lori's and Caitlin's celebration when we return from camping and before everyone takes off for home.
Thanks for the pictures. But I was thinking of the green plywood trailer that grandpa built himself with all the cabinets and storage compartments.