Friday, July 6, 2012

Well, we've really done it this time!  Dad went out and bought a brand new jeep grand cherokee on Tuesday and today we bought a new trailer.  Here is a photo of the new car, with our old trailer hitched on just before we took it to trade for the new one.

Below is a photo of our new trailer, which we will pick up next week in time for our first camping trip of the season.  It is about the same length as the old one, but the floorplan is different.

We got a new trailer because it was getting hard for dad to sleep in that corner bed by the bathroom.  It was also hard to make that bed.  He had to crawl on the bed to get the sheets on.  Then he had to make out my bed on the couch because it was too crowded for us to sleep together in that corner.  Here is how the bed is in the new trailer:
This will be much easier for us.  We are getting old you know! However, the bed takes up a lot of space, so there is no sofa.  Also the table is smaller (you can see that on the lower right of the photo above as well in the photo below.).   As with the old table, this can altered to make a bed, but it is much smaller than in the old bed.  The counter space and storage spaces are also smaller. The fridge is the same size. 

 The bathroom is at the other end of the trailer and about the same size as in the old trailer.  It is behind the door on the right in the photo above.  You can also see the closet doors and on the far left is the entry.  Here is a photo showing the bathroom:
So, we have said goodbye to the old trailer and all its memories of fun times with all of you (especially in Colorado the first time we took it out and it poured down rain the entire time).  This trailer seems smaller, but will be a lot easier for Dad to handle.  The equalizers that level the trailer are operated from the side, so he does have to crawl underneath to put them down.  There is an automatic trailer hitch, so he doesn't have to turn the crank anymore to attach the trailer to the car (and to unhitch it as well, of course). 
The new car comes with lots of new bells and whistles that Dad is still reading about.  He LOVES to read instruction books.  I just wait until he learns it all and shows me what I want to know.

So that's our big news.  More later,
Love, Grandma and Grandpa, Mom and Dad

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