Friday, March 16, 2012

This isn't the best photo of Kurt and Gerd, but all I could find at the moment. This was Christmas, 2005. We didn't see them in the photo Talisa sent, unless that is Kurt with the red shirt with his back turned.

Talisa Meets Kurt and Gerd!

Many or most of you have met my best friend Talisa Vistaunet, who is currently serving a mission in Sweden. Before she left (over a year ago, now) Grandma and Grandpa gave her the names and address of  Kurt and Gerd Sjöqvist, old family friends of the Davis clan. Well, turns out I was a few weeks behind reading Talisa's letters when her mom Tonya told me to go read them to see some interesting news! Here are some clips from Talisa's last 3 letters:

February 29, 2012:
"Also this week I had the chance while Syster Hill was here to visit some members and have lunch. Kurt and Gerd Sjöqvist - who are both amazing artists! She actually went to BYU and James Christensen was her teacher. They are the mormon artists who made the really neat Tree of Life model that was in the conference center a couple of years ago. The big model with lots of color. Really breath taking. Anyways, I felt right at home when I was there."

March 5, 2012:
"This has been a week full of music and that has made me very happy. I have the coolest district ever and before I came here they had planned a music night with our branch, Uppsala. and Borlänge. The music night was held on Saturday and we had about 70 people show up!! We had a potluck dinner and then the music began. We had about 15 different numbers. One of my favorites was Kurt Sjöqvist. He sang some Swedish folk songs with his guitar and it reminded me a lot of Dad and Brian´s music. I was happy."

March 15, 2012:
"One last thing.. I was looking through my notes that I got from people before I came here of Swedish people that any of my friends or family knew. I found one of those and read off the names of Kurt and Gerd Sjöqvist, friends of Caitlin´s grandparents!! They are the artists that I talked about a couple of weeks ago. But, I just put two and two together that they are friends with Donnette´s parents! Small world in the church." 

So cool! It sounds like they are living close to each other, so hopefully they will see each other again soon and Talisa will be able to explain the connection to Kurt and Gerd. 

Grandma and Grandpa, do you talk to Kurt and Gerd often? Can you tell us a little about how you got to be friends with them in the comments? So fun to have this connection. 

I don't remember what Kurt and Gerd look like. This picture of the aforementioned music night is from Talisa's blog: Are Kurt and Gerd in the picture?

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Here are a couple of photos from Chantry's wedding. It was wonderful to be together, even for the short time. Thanks to all of you for making a special effort to be there and support Chantry. We love you all very much.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Here are a couple of emails about Erik's surgery. You have to read Sarah's report first and then this one from Erik:
It's not just the morphine. I get to lie in bed and watch SportsCenter, and when I push a little button a girl brings me chocolate pudding! Seriously, though. Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and prayers and well-wishes. I really truly appreciate it. Erik (Mom and Dad: could you post these emails on the Grandpa Garold Herald too? Thanks).Sent from my iPhoneOn Mar 5, 2012, at 8:54 PM, "< On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 2:48 PM,

Sarah Davis <wrote">>wrote:>>>>> Hi everyone. I just talked to Dr. Reichman who said that Erik's>>> surgery went well. Apparently he had a large bone spur that they were able>>> to get most of and he said things were good. It was nice that Dad had>>> dropped by the waiting area so that he was there too when Dr. Reichman came>>> to report. Thanks Dad!>>> Thanks to everyone who has been keeping him in your prayers today!>>> Sarah
This came from Chantry this morning:
On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 9:01 AM, Chantry Davis wrote:Hey Grandma and Grandpa, We are moving up the reception to 2pm instead of 2:30. This should give people a little more time to eat before we have to move to the patio for cake and stuff. Can you help pass the word along? Thanks!

See you all soon!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sundance, Anyone?

Anyone interested in skiing at Sundance Tuesday or Wednesday?

more on vegas recreation

If there is anyone left at the motel after the rock-climbing enthusiasts depart on Friday, we might consider the following: A tour and picnic at Hoover Dam, A round of golf? Other suggestions? GG

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Pulling Down in Redrock Canyon

Hey guys! Everyone excited for Chantry's wedding this weekend? I know Nate and I are. Since we're going to be so close to Redrock canyon, Nate and I are planning on taking Friday to do some rock climbing, and you're all invited to join us. Everyone is invited despite your age or fitness level or anything like that. I just need to get a rough head count before we go down so I know how much gear to bring. I know people (mom's especially) tend to get a little nervous about the idea of rock climbing, but there's nothing to worry about. Everything we'll be doing is super safe and easy to manage, even for beginners. I've been leading rock climbing trips for a few years now, so this should be a walk in the park :) Comment if you're planning on climbing. If you have any questions shoot me and email at

Friday, March 2, 2012

According to the weather cast for Las Vegas next Saturday, it is suppose to by 72 degrees during the day and 49 at night. I think Lori's dress is going to be too warm. Better make other plans.
We thought you would all like to know that Erik is having surgery Monday morning. He will have a discectomy, where the doctor will remove a disc in his neck and fuse the vertebrae at that spot. This is to relieve an increasing problem he has been having with pain at that spot. It is a fairly normal procedure and the doctor, Dr. Reichman, is a noted surgeon in the state. The doctor says he will be in the hospital Monday night and then released and should be able to go to Las Vegas without any trouble. The doctor says he has several patients who have come from St. George and other parts of the state and have returned home by car without any problems.
Erik said he thought the problem might be the result of football, soccer, skiing, lifting heavy blocks of stone to build a wall at their new house, or a combination of these, or just general living. Any way, it has been increasingly painful to live with.
So, just so you all know about this. We are sure he would appreciate your prayers.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Wedding Travel

Hi Everyone! We are arriving in Salt Lake Monday evening (around 7:30 pm) and Kari arrives earlier in the day (around 1:30 pm). Does anyone already have plans to go to Salt Lake Monday and could pick Kari up?

Caitlin: what to wear to the wedding

I have thought about this.  I figure that, since Stephanie will be wearing white, we should try to match with her, so I am having this dress made.  If you like, I can have one made for you, too.
Your ever-thoughtful auntie,

Happy St. David's Day, everyone! If you're related to Grandpa Garold you're all a bit Welsh, whether you like it or not, but here are some good reasons to be proud of your Welsh-American heritage! CYMRU AM BYTH!