Wednesday, February 29, 2012

So Excited

You can laugh at my childlike anticipation if you want, but I am seriously SO EXCITED for Chantry's wedding to see you all! Really. Like, I've been thinking about it everyday for weeks. I know. I just love my family so much! (Including Nora, Chase and Bill, who we will miss severely.)

Now, to figure out what to wear. What is everyone else wearing?

Love, love, love,



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wahoo! After this wedding, I think we need to look into Apparation lessons. Getting all of us together would happen far more often if we could just pop (literally) in and out of each other's kitchens when a dull moment arose. It's worth looking into, at least.

    By the way, Henry didn't say anything. I accidentally commented as him. The situation has been rectified.

  3. Well, since we now know it's going to be 72 degrees (woot!), I think we can wear short sleeved (which Annika and I pronounce "Short Sleeve Ed) dresses. Which is terribly exciting, but means Lorelei might want to tell the seamstress to do something different. Perhaps?:

  4. Darn! My picture didn't attach right.

  5. I have discovered you can only attach pictures if you start a new blog entry. Which makes the blog not as functional of a medium as facebook. I googled elizabeth taylor white dress emeralds and I figure you were aiming for one of two possibilities; one of them comes with a pretty stinkin' terrific headdress... Google amongst yourselves.
