Saturday, March 3, 2012

Pulling Down in Redrock Canyon

Hey guys! Everyone excited for Chantry's wedding this weekend? I know Nate and I are. Since we're going to be so close to Redrock canyon, Nate and I are planning on taking Friday to do some rock climbing, and you're all invited to join us. Everyone is invited despite your age or fitness level or anything like that. I just need to get a rough head count before we go down so I know how much gear to bring. I know people (mom's especially) tend to get a little nervous about the idea of rock climbing, but there's nothing to worry about. Everything we'll be doing is super safe and easy to manage, even for beginners. I've been leading rock climbing trips for a few years now, so this should be a walk in the park :) Comment if you're planning on climbing. If you have any questions shoot me and email at


  1. Hi Kia! Kari and Jensen both want to climb! Kari has shoes, harness and a belay device, Jensen just has an ice-climbing harness.
