Friday, March 2, 2012

We thought you would all like to know that Erik is having surgery Monday morning. He will have a discectomy, where the doctor will remove a disc in his neck and fuse the vertebrae at that spot. This is to relieve an increasing problem he has been having with pain at that spot. It is a fairly normal procedure and the doctor, Dr. Reichman, is a noted surgeon in the state. The doctor says he will be in the hospital Monday night and then released and should be able to go to Las Vegas without any trouble. The doctor says he has several patients who have come from St. George and other parts of the state and have returned home by car without any problems.
Erik said he thought the problem might be the result of football, soccer, skiing, lifting heavy blocks of stone to build a wall at their new house, or a combination of these, or just general living. Any way, it has been increasingly painful to live with.
So, just so you all know about this. We are sure he would appreciate your prayers.


  1. The good news is that I will have my own personal nurse to oversee my recovery! Yes, that's right! Sarah took and passed the NCLEX (nursing board exams) on Monday and got her official results on Wednesday. She is now officially a Registered Nurse, licensed to practice in the State of Utah.

  2. Good luck, Erik. We'll be praying for you. WAY TO GO, SARAH! Congrats! Whew. Now, quick, get your midwifery license or certification before all your nieces and nephews start having kids. (You will be their great-aunt. Weird.)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Is there a status update on Erik? I am having a very hard time believing he'll be up for a long car drive this week.

  5. Erik's surgery went fine. We talked to him on the phone and he was all chipper and happy. Of course, when the morphine wears off, it will be a different story for a day or two. The doctor seems to think he will be alright to go to Vegas. I guess time will tell.

  6. Thanks, Mom and Dad for relaying my message. I'm afraid my reply to Sarah doesn't make any sense without the other emails I was replying to. People will think the morphine is affecting me more than it really is! I've copied the whole string below in case anyone is worried. I have actually been off the morphine since 3:00 this afternoon, so hopefully my good progress can just be attributed to good progress.


    It's not just the morphine. I get to lie in bed and watch SportsCenter, and when I push a little button a girl brings me chocolate pudding!

    Seriously, though.  Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and prayers and well-wishes. I really truly appreciate it. 

    David Harmon wrote:
    Surgery isn't all bad...morphine makes you think you are the best!

    Sarah Davis wrote:

    Yep!  He is now on the fourth floor and doing well.  He says he is enjoying the morphine...  Thanks everyone for thinking of him.

    From: "rachel schutz"
    Yay!! So glad. Has he come out of the morphine?

    Laura Harmon wrote:
    Wonderful news!!!!!

    >> On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 2:48 PM, Sarah Davis wrote:
    >>>  Hi everyone.  I just talked to Dr. Reichman who said that Erik's
    >>> surgery went well.  Apparently he had a large bone spur that they were able
    >>> to get most of and he said things were good.  It was nice that Dad had
    >>> dropped by the waiting area so that he was there too when Dr. Reichman came
    >>> to report.  Thanks Dad!
    >>> Thanks to everyone who has been keeping him in your prayers today!
    >>> Sarah
